All Hands, Abandon Ship!!
Posted on Tue Nov 12th, 2024 @ 11:22pm by Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Lieutenant JG Elysian "Elly" Clarke & Lieutenant Commander Andrew "Drew" Chandler & Captain Neyin Vessk & Lieutenant Rose Andrake & Lieutenant JG Mike Barton
0 words; about a 1 minute read
To Boldly Go...
Location: USS Deliverance, various
Timeline: MD-01
After the Away Team beamed away, Noxi turned to Drew. It was time for a simulation while they waited. She had no better ideas, and besides, it'd work as a shakedown, since they didn't have time for one previously.
"Commander Chandler. Initiate training simulation Alpha 7." She smiled lightly, but tapped her Comms.
"All hands, this your Captain speaking. Assume your Yellow Alert stations. Civillians, please remain in your quarters until the all-clear signal." She waited a beat for the klaxons to sound off and the yellow lights to begin to blink.
Drew brought up the Alpha Seven training drill program from the mission ops station along the aft bulkhead. It was a multifaceted training program for a simulated intrusion of the ship with an opposing force goal of taking engineering. "Program loaded and ready for implementation."
"Go!" She said, assuming her own console. "Ops, get me a full reading of what's happening. Chandler, security sweeps. Engineering, I need you to lock down the Core room," she said, issuing orders as she typed some commands into the computer.
Drew shifted to the tactical/security two station and began an internal scan for the holographic OpFor team. "Security, Bridge seven intruders on deck five aft section moving to a Jeffries tube access point. Dispatch security teams to intercept."
With a burst of spacer creole that the computer couldn't or wouldn't translate, Rose jumped up from a maintenance crawlspace and took off running down the corridor for the astrometrics bay. A carefully balanced twist of her hip allowed her to slide on a knee to round a corner before leaping into a dead sprint, skidding into the bay nearly a minute after the alert sounded. "Sorr'ma bomang, tick-slip 'na buss'd wetbit. Af'd 'n quick."
Finding her console, Rose's fingers flew across the keys, opening the mapping software and double checking the flow of sensor data into tactical and helm. "Astronav up! Feeds live!"
Noxi fished out the Phaser from the secret compartment under her chair. Just in case. She'd mostly gotten over the need to shoot things, but still. She looked around, and then opened a channel.
"Engineering. Please evacuate decks one through seven, minus any sleeping quarters. All available personnel will report to auxiliary duty stations."
=/\=Yes, ma'am. =/\=
On her view screen, Noxi watched as each deck grew dark as Security and Engineering swept each deck. Excellent!! She raised her head to issue another order but was interrupted by a panicky blonde she recognized as the Botanist. Noxi had a minor interest in gardening, so she had purposely read about Elly Clarke first.
"Miss Clarke, are you ok?" She asked, gently, as the woman hurried onto the Bridge. "We're in the middle of a simulation, but if there's an emergency, we can talk in the Ready Room." She smiled.
Elly spoke up.
"I don't think that's necessary, Ma'am. Captain...there's more going on down there. One of the...townspeople? told me that their leaders are killing people," she said. "I couldn't find Commander Morgan on my way back; she was hurrying me. I think she thinks she's being watched or something." Elly let out a breath. She looked around the now-silent Bridge.
Mike wondered why Elly didn't notify Mira. He stayed quiet as to let the Captain handle this, but the other away team members not knowing, left him rather uncomfortable. Though he dared not show this at all.
"Thank you, Lieutenant. I will coordinate with the Commander. Please, begin your tests, and I'll be in touch. Thank you for finding me. You did the right thing," she said, gently. She turned to Chandler. "Commander. Kill the simulation. Good work, people," she said. "Ops, open a channel to Commander Morgan."
Drew ended the simulation and went on the shipwide circuit. "All hands, the away team has a situation developing planets, we are terminating the exercise. Remain at yellow alert until further orders." He turned and approached Elly, an expression of concern on his face. "Are you okay El...Lieutenant Clarke?"
Elly nodded. "Yeah, just...the villagers are a little..weird. It's a bit of an uncanny valley thing. Plus... if their leaders are really doing this..." she trailed off. "Anyway. I'll head down to the labs to start processing samples. Dr. Baker is attending to some victims of the acid rain storms," she said, turning away to go downstairs.
=/\=Astrometrics, here... That was a drill?! Why you gotta scare a girl like that?! Retooling nav to provide sensor sweeps to support away team. Intel ETA two minutes. =/\=
=/\=Yes, Miss Andrake. The POINT of a simulation is that you're not supposed to know. You're just supposed to be ready. Please prep an atmospheric reading, and send it to my view screen as soon as you can. Thank you. Captain out. =/\=
She shook her head. "Commander, come sit in Morgan's seat a moment, please. I need your input on this situation," she said. She was only a doctor by training, after all. "What do you think is the best course of action from here on out?"
"Captain Vessk, please let me know how big of a threat the Kareema have been in the past," she said.
Mike began his own research on the Kareema from his Tactical station. Getting it ready for the Captain, just incase.
It wasn't even thirty seconds before the full weight of Deliverance's active sensors were brought to bear with an almost sarcastic flourish, user interfaces popping up on the screens as Rose apparently didn't bother transferring data, but just screen sharing til she could bring the full data to where it needed to be. One could almost hear her grumbling from the Astrometrics bay. =/\= Data's on the way, you got screen share till I finish the scans. =/\=
Neyin Adjusted his glasses on his nose before answering the question. "Realistically? By themselves they are not much of a threat however, they are the financial Body of the Dominion last I checked. Whilst they themselves are not that capable in combat they have been known to be far more skilled in trade and politics. Often times Mercenaries would do the fighting for them or if you're really unlucky They will get the Dominion to go after you instead. There was also the Gorn Crisis during the Dominion war where Slessshh, Khaaarr and the black crest attempted a coup on the royal Body going as far as killing the eggs of the ruling family. All of this at the time was being funded by Vorta using the Karemma as intermediaries to convince them to do so. the objective to get the Gorn out of the Dominion war." For a moment after answering the question Neyin would Flick his tongue a couple of times before apologizing for rambling.
Noxi closed her eyes. Just what she needed. "Thank you," she said. "I appreciate the information."
Drew took a seat in the XO's chair. The situation had grown more volatile on the planet. He took a moment to think about what he would do. "My recommendation is send down a security team for protection of the away team. We could also offer to hold negotiations with the governing officials aboard ship, the marine contingent could provide security for the dignitaries and you could host talks in a venue we control. There's also the fact that Ambassador Harrison would be on hand to assist you."
Noxi nodded. "I am inclined to agree," she said.
"Mira is there as a security member of the away team, Should we not let her know that other members below her, would be joining her?" Mike said staring at Drew, wondering if they had forgotten the Chief of Security being there.
Drew turned his gaze from Noxi to Mike with a slightly less than happy expression before speaking. "[em]Lieutenant Commander Napier[/em] will be informed that additional security personnel will be sent to assist her if and when the Captain decides.
"Send them down, as well as the Ambassador. Send back Dr Baker if he's done, and Lt. Dalton. I want as few people down there as possible," she said. "I'll call Commander Morgan." She tapped her Comms badge.
=/\= Morgan, this is Captain Nairut. We're sending down a bit more security, and Ambassador Harrison. Do you have a secure line? We have some developments. It seems that the Dominion are using the Kareema as their middle men to fight their figurative battles. Get the scene secure and get the hell back. =/\=
She clicked off, and then radioed down to the Labs. "Science, elect a person to go planetside again," she said.
"Ma'am, we got like... Four dudes down here and other than me, they're all petties... Aah... One meteorologist, two xenogeologists, and a cartographer. Everybody else is at auxiliary duty station and I got no word from bossman. You want me to voluntell somebody or are we gonna be tossing me at it? What am I tossing my boys into?" Rose's voice returned almost immediately, assuming command over the labs until she could get word from a superior in her department. "Cause I'm not sending my boys into a possible hostile action. We're scientists, worse than useless in a fight... Mostly. Ya know what, I know how to bag samples. I'll do it. Leaving Clarke in charge of the labs till bossman gets back to us."
Mike had sent messages to security team members to make sure they get ready to beam down with the Ambassador.
"Great, Lt. Andrake. Good luck out there," she said. She signed off with a deep sigh. Hopefully they would have some answers shortly.
Noxi resumed her eye on the Comms. "Commander Chandler, resume the Simulation, please, but standby to abandon it if necessary," she said. She tapped a button to open a channel.
"All personnel, resume your battlestations, and restart the simulation."
Drew loaded the training program before turning administration of the exercise over to a junior officer. "I would like to head down to security for the drill since they are short staffed at the moment."
Noxi nodded. "You should do that," she said. "Send Ensign Williams up to cover your console," she said, referring to the young Ops officer.
Drew summoned Ensign Williams to the bridge and briefed him on the simulation about to resume. He then departed for security and reported to Lieutenant Barton. "Lieutenant thought I would lend you a hand what with your manpower shortages. Where do you need me the most?"
Mike looked up, "Where ever you see fit. I'd like to get back to tactical to help keep an eye on anything of the enemies and away team." He looked down a little to avoid a look, "We need to keep an eye on the senior staff, don't need to have any of them lost on the away mission."
Drew nodded. "Go. I will remain here and coordinate for the exercise and return to the bridge once the drill is over with."
Mike gave a nod to the Lieutenant Commander and he left for the bridge. He was relieved, he felt better being able to keep tabs without a certain one knowing. He smirked to himself, before he entered the Bridge and resumed his duties.
A Mission Post by:
The Ship Crew of the USS Deliverance